Event Details

Wednesday, 9/11/24 at 11:30 am to 1:00 pm

Parent support group-virtual

Weekly support groups for parents and other caregivers of children with challenging behaviors: Understanding our children better. These are for parents/caregivers who are interested in and would like support in using Collaborative Problem Solving. However, previous knowledge is not required in order to attend.
–Groups are free and on a drop-in basis, but day/time/location of in-person groups may change at times, especially if there is a holiday. (Mostly dates are scheduled to avoid holidays.)

For questions/contact information: Jan Urton, Yamhill County Family Support Partner 503-435-9107
(or 503-434-7462) or email: urtonj@yamhillcounty.gov
If you would like to attend any of these and the link doesn’t work for you, contact me, and I will send you an email invitation (click on the link to join).
If you give your phone number, I will also send a text reminder before the group begins.

Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 817 5692 9316

Passcode: 733525