For Partners & Providers
Whether you’re a partner of our organization or a child care provider in Yamhill County, you’ll find ways to increase your impact in our collected resources.
Explore resources that help you be an even better you.

Early Learning Council
The Early Learning Council is a group of committed parents, medical professionals, educators, and social service providers advising the Yamhill CCO board. We work together to build a community that supports families and prepares children for success.
Parent Leadership Council
The Parent Leadership Council consists of up to nine parents of children age 0-8 who provide feedback on the work of the hub and the Early Learning Council, engage in advocacy, and create intentional community through shared activity.
Service Integration Teams
Seven Service Integration Teams (SITs), made up of local people, come together to gather supplies and services to meet immediate needs for people. They also help build long-term health and wellness for each region.